Have you just run out of money, even though you've never bought things you don't need? Shop Back friends may feel that they are wise in managing their finances, such as buying things as needed and prioritizing primary needs. But, why paycheck always runs out fast? Find out more about how to shop, come on! It could be that the shopping money runs out quickly because of the wrong way of shopping. One of the right ways to shop to be more efficient is to use online shopping sites. Hah? How can online shopping be more economical, won't there be postage to be paid?
- Don't worry, there are now many online shopping platforms that offer free shipping features. So, there will be no additional fees that Shop Back Buddies have to pay. In addition, there are also online shopping cashbacks that can help save money on shopping. If you are interested in using an online shopping platform to be more efficient, here are some thrifty online shopping tips that you can emulate.
- 1. Use Shop Back's Search Bar Feature
When you want to shop online, the first step that Shop Back friends need to do is search for products through the search field. The search results that are displayed still need a Shop Back filter buddy in order to find the cheapest prices. Shop Back friends need to filter by order of lowest price as well as the closest location filter to save on shipping costs.
- 2. Find a Store with Complete Products
- 3. Take advantage of the Store Membership
Some online stores carry out membership campaigns. If a Shop Back Buddy registers as a shop member, Shop Back Buddies can get various additional promotional programs, such as special member discounts and points that can be collected and exchanged for prizes. However, of course the membership promotion program available from one store to another is different, according to the policies of each store, yes!
- 4. Maximize Shopping Cashback
Saving money shopping can not only be done through discount promos, online shopping cashback promos can also help save money shopping, you know! Shop Back friends can maximize the cashback they get by calculating the minimum total cost to get the maximum cashback.
- 5. Check Promo Calendar
Each online shopping platform has its own promo calendar.
However, the peak promo will generally be held on a double date every month.
For example, the peak of the September online shopping promo which will occur
on the 9th of the 9th month.
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